update : 2015.11.03
maxdb_fetch_objectmaxdb_result::fetch_object(PECL maxdb >= 1.0) maxdb_fetch_object -- maxdb_result::fetch_object — Returns the current row of a result set as an object 설명절차식 형식
object maxdb_fetch_object
( object
)객체 기반 형식
object maxdb_result::fetch_object
( void
The maxdb_fetch_object() will return the current row result set
as an object where the attributes of the object represent the names of the fields found
within the result set. If no more rows exist in the current result set, 반환값
Returns an object that corresponds to the fetched row or
예제Example #1 객체 기반 형식
<?php Example #2 절차식 형식
<?php 위 예제의 출력 예시: New York (NY) New York (NY) Long Island (NY) Albany (NY) Washington (DC) Washington (DC) Washington (DC) Silver Spring (MD) Daytona Beach (FL) Deerfield Beach (FL) Clearwater (FL) Cincinnati (OH) Detroit (MI) Rosemont (IL) Chicago (IL) Chicago (IL) New Orleans (LA) Dallas (TX) Los Angeles (CA) Hollywood (CA) Long Beach (CA) Palm Springs (CA) Irvine (CA) Santa Clara (CA) Portland (OR) 참고