update : 2015.11.03
maxdb_sqlstatemaxdb::sqlstate(PECL maxdb >= 1.0) maxdb_sqlstate -- maxdb::sqlstate — Returns the SQLSTATE error from previous MaxDB operation 설명절차식 형식
string maxdb_sqlstate
( resource
)객체 기반 형식 string $maxdb->sqlstate;
Returns a string containing the SQLSTATE error code for the last error. The error code consists of five characters. '00000' means no error. The values are specified by ANSI SQL and ODBC.
반환값Returns a string containing the SQLSTATE error code for the last error. The error code consists of five characters. '00000' means no error. 예제Example #1 객체 기반 형식
<?php Example #2 절차식 형식
<?php 위 예제의 출력 예시: Warning: maxdb_query(): -6000 POS(20) Duplicate table name:CITY [I6000] <...> Error - SQLSTATE I6000. 참고