When this value is On, if Yaf_Loader can not
find a class, it will return FALSE, then give chance to other auto
load function to be called.
When this value is Off, if Yaf_Loader can not
find a class, it will return TRUE, and make the class autoloading
failed immediately.
Yaf will register its loader during a instantiation of
Yaf_Application, so any other auto loaders
which is register before the instantiation will be called before
If this is On, and in the meantime you are using ini config file as the
parameter of Yaf_Application(), the
compiling result of the ini config file will be cached in the PHP
Yaf examine the mtime of the ini file, if it was changed since
last compiling, Yaf will reload it.
Yaf use the ini file path as the cache entry key, so do use the
absolute path in ini file path, otherwise there might be some
conflicts if two application use the same relative path of ini
This value is "product" by default, used for Yaf to fetch the config
section of a ini config file.
That is, if this value is "product", Yaf will use the section named
"product" in the ini config file(the first parameter of the
Yaf_Application) as the final config of the
There is a exception, that is some classes like
The last component is a keyword of PHP, could not be used as a class
name, so for such classes: